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What’s the most valuable 7” you’ve got?

What’s the most valuable 7” you’ve got?
John Nicholson|

What’s the most rare and most valuable 7” you’ve got? They can be different. Much against some opinion, there might not be many copies of a single, but if no-one wants to buy it, it won’t be valuable, obviously.
Most of mine are rare but not valuable. My favourites are ones that were not hits and fell between the cracks. For example I have Blue Cheer’s, Feathers From Your Tree b/w Sun Cycle which wasn’t a hit and maybe worth £50, hardly a fortune. Similarly, I have Grateful Dead’s Uncle John’s Band. A UK copy on orange Warner Brothers, rare to say the least but only worth about £50. And speaking of the Dead, I have all 4 releases on Grateful Dead Records in mint unplayed condition, which are worth even less and are very nice.
Worth surprisingly more is Keep Yourself Alive by Queen, their first single which has sold for up to £150. I have a US copy of Crown Of Creation by Jefferson Airplane but couldn't hope to sell it for £10.
When it comes to Steve Miller Band, I have everything released in the UK and USA, including the debut single Sittin’ In Circles as a UK release and USA demo, neither of which break £50 compared to my UK demo of My Dark Hour which might get 3 figures.
I have all Be Bop Deluxe’s UK releases and the excellent Hot Valves EP. They’re worth very little. Just for contrast, I have lots of singles from the mid 50s by Little Richard and Fats Domino, some with triangular centres. They’re amongst the most valuable at a couple of hundred quid. Obviously, I have every Beatles  single, nothing valuable but I do have 4 EPs from Twist And Shout to Help! and I could probably raise £30 for them.
I was lucky enough to be given a huge batch of demos on Decca, two of which are Caravan’s Hello Hello which was flipped to If I Could Do It All Over Again when released. For a rare prog single, it’s only about £30, which a USA demo copy of Brain Salad Surgery by ELP would match. So you see, even rare prog doesn't usually make much money. I’d like some early Genesis singles but we’re looking at at least £500 for stuff from 1969-72, but Yes’s early stuff is going for under £50. 
Dawn says even expensive records don’t usually cost much and she’s always laughing when I say something is worth a lot, meaning £50, and she says, well that’s not much. 

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